Mois : mars 2022

London Loves Literature

From William Wordsworth to the Clash via Charles Dickens and Philip Pullman, the city of London has become more than a simple backdrop for the events of a novel. London is a living, breathing character in the texts we studied, reflecting the diversity within the city.

In the second term of their first year in the International Section in the lycée, students in Seconde study a range of literary texts and extracts as well as a BBC adaptation of Great Expectation by Dickens in order to better understand the ways in which writers use setting to explore themes and develop characterisation.

The final task of the term is to combine the skills and knowledge acquired to develop a literary festival celebrating London’s place in literature. The students were given a design brief and a list of evaluation specifications that had to be met. They also had the option to work individually or as part of a team.

The resulting comic strips, short stories, brochures, audio guides and art installations were outstanding.


Journée portes ouvertes le 19 mars 2022 de 9h à 12h au 13 rue de l’industrie à Courbevoie.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

According to Oscar Wilde ‘imitation is the sincerest form of flattery’ and the students in 1e British English Section hope that the American director, Tim Burton, will agree if he sees their recent creations.

As part of the Gothic literature synoptic topic studied for the OIB oral exam, the class looked at how Gothic elements have permeated literature, art and architecture at different moments in time. To show that they had fully understood what elements Burton uses to create the Gothic aesthetic for which he is so well-known, the students had to choose a character or person from today’s popular culture and put the character through a process of ‘Burton-isation’.

The characters chosen included Noddy, Alice in Wonderland, Betty Boop, Snow White, the Simpsons and Tweety Pie.

The challenge proved eerie-sistible and the results were completely spook-tacular.


WW1 Stained glass panel exhibition

After spending a few weeks studying war poetry and the different ways in which war was perceived before, during and after the First World War, the students of the British English International Section turned their attention to how symbols are made. They then created stained glass panels which symbolise aspects of the Great War and contain related found poems made by the students from poems read in class.

A select jury composed of school librarian, Ms Tournier, history-geography teachers Mr Ollivier and Ms Mongas, and overseen by maths teacher and professeur principal, Mr Moreau, deliberated to select the outstanding panel in three categories.

Best composition was awarded to Loan who created an elegant design with a burning candle.

Best use of colour was awarded to a student who chose to represent Lady Haig’s first poppy factory.

Best story-telling was awarded to Mahé who played with scale to show the dangers of No Man’s Land.

All the panels created by the class are on display in the school library and are particularly eye-catching on a sunny day.

Do skunks celebrate Valentine’s day?

Sure, they’re very scent-imental! And so are we…

Cupid’s Kids was created to help build intergenerational connections and reach isolated seniors. For the past few years, the DC Department of Aging and Community Living has teamed up with school students to create thousands of Valentine’s Day cards for the oldest residents of Washington DC. Cards will be delivered to seniors who receive home delivered meals.

This year, the students in the British English International Section in the Lycée Lucie Aubrac contributed over 50 cards and letters. Students in the American Section in the Collège Les Renardières also took part, letting their imagination go wild with all the puns possible for Valentine’s Day messages.

“It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous, that you realize just how much you love them.” — Agatha Christie


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