Clydeview Academy Meets Lycée Lucie Aubrac

A group of students from Première and Terminale in the British International Section were delighted to spend time with pupils from Clydeview Academy, Greenock (Scotland) during the February holidays. The Clydeview pupils visited Paris in preparation for their French oral exams this Spring.

After a morning spent getting to know one another, playing games and discussing research topics chosen by the S6 pupils preparing the Scottish Baccalaureat, the students enjoyed a meal together in the centre of Paris.

All the best of luck to the Scottish students for their up-coming exams!



Repas allemand à l’occasion de la journée franco-allemande


Repas allemand à l’occasion de la journée franco-allemande le 22 janvier 2023

Visiting the Houses of Parliament

The students in the British Internationale Section (1e) took the opportunity to follow a virtual visit of the Houses of Parliament in London. Our guide helped us to explore the building: we went into the Robing Room, the Lords Chamber, the Commons Chamber and through the Central Lobby. She explained the colour symbolism used, the history of the building and how the decor reflects the different monarchs, heads of government and political movements. She also explained the different rituals and the roles of each part of the Parliament.

Voyage en Bavière -octobre 2022

Voyage ABIBAC 2022

Les élèves de 1ère et Terminales (euro et Abibac) se sont rendus en Allemagne en octobre 2022.

Au programme, une soirée au théâtre de Stuttgart pour voir une pièce de Brecht étudiée en classe, une journée dans notre lycée partenaire à Ratisbonne, la visite de Munich et de Augsburg, un hébergement en famille.

Rencontre avec nos correspondants de Ratisbonne


National Poetry Day 2022

The theme of this year’s National Poetry Day is the environment. The class of 2e in the International British Section enjoyed creating kennings to describe natural features like rain, trees, birds, soil and rivers.

We enjoyed listening to the opening lines of Beowulf read in Old English by an expert from the Medieval Manuscripts team in the British Library. The extract included the kenning ‘whale road’ used to describe the sea.

We then took inspiration from the poem ‘Sun Kennings’ by James Carter to create the structure of our poems celebrating nature. You can listen to the poets performing their work here:

Les Premières d’Aubrac sur Radio Campus Paris

Découvrez notre émission, diffusée en FM et désormais podacastable sur Radio Campus !

Après 13h d’atelier, une visite de l’expo Juifs et Musulmans de France et grâce au soutien du MNHI et de Radio Campus, les Premières ont réalisé cette émission d’une heure sur un thème parfois tabou : La religion !

A vos écouteurs, l’émission est disponible ici.

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