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National Poetry Day 2022

The theme of this year’s National Poetry Day is the environment. The class of 2e in the International British Section enjoyed creating kennings to describe natural features like rain, trees, birds, soil and rivers.

We enjoyed listening to the opening lines of Beowulf read in Old English by an expert from the Medieval Manuscripts team in the British Library. The extract included the kenning ‘whale road’ used to describe the sea.

We then took inspiration from the poem ‘Sun Kennings’ by James Carter to create the structure of our poems celebrating nature. You can listen to the poets performing their work here:

Les Premières d’Aubrac sur Radio Campus Paris

Découvrez notre émission, diffusée en FM et désormais podacastable sur Radio Campus !

Après 13h d’atelier, une visite de l’expo Juifs et Musulmans de France et grâce au soutien du MNHI et de Radio Campus, les Premières ont réalisé cette émission d’une heure sur un thème parfois tabou : La religion !

A vos écouteurs, l’émission est disponible ici.

ASIBA poetry competition results 2022


Congratulations to the three finalists from lycée Lucie Aubrac! The theme of this year’s competition was AIR.

There were 88 entries from 22 schools around the world this year, 45 in the 3e/2de category and 43 in the 1e/Tle one. Seven finalists went through to each category.

OIB Cambridge Inspector, Dr Celia O’Donovan, chose the winning poems: ‘It has been an enjoyable experience reading the poems that made it to the final and, as always, it has been difficult to decide on the winners… The young poets… wrote with maturity and flair. To have made it to the final shortlist
is a great honour and all the finalists should be proud of their achievement,’.

Mahé was selected as a finalist in the Junior category with her poem ‘Heaven Life’. The poem ‘Angel’, co-authored by Ajar and Océanne, went through to the final of the Senior category.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

According to Oscar Wilde ‘imitation is the sincerest form of flattery’ and the students in 1e British English Section hope that the American director, Tim Burton, will agree if he sees their recent creations.

As part of the Gothic literature synoptic topic studied for the OIB oral exam, the class looked at how Gothic elements have permeated literature, art and architecture at different moments in time. To show that they had fully understood what elements Burton uses to create the Gothic aesthetic for which he is so well-known, the students had to choose a character or person from today’s popular culture and put the character through a process of ‘Burton-isation’.

The characters chosen included Noddy, Alice in Wonderland, Betty Boop, Snow White, the Simpsons and Tweety Pie.

The challenge proved eerie-sistible and the results were completely spook-tacular.


Do skunks celebrate Valentine’s day?

Sure, they’re very scent-imental! And so are we…

Cupid’s Kids was created to help build intergenerational connections and reach isolated seniors. For the past few years, the DC Department of Aging and Community Living has teamed up with school students to create thousands of Valentine’s Day cards for the oldest residents of Washington DC. Cards will be delivered to seniors who receive home delivered meals.

This year, the students in the British English International Section in the Lycée Lucie Aubrac contributed over 50 cards and letters. Students in the American Section in the Collège Les Renardières also took part, letting their imagination go wild with all the puns possible for Valentine’s Day messages.

“It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous, that you realize just how much you love them.” — Agatha Christie


Rencontre exceptionnelle avec des rescapés du génocide des Tutsis

L’association Ibuka est venue à la rencontre des élèves de Terminale STMG, de droit, du MODAC et de première HGGSP avec deux témoignages exceptionnels. Notre projet de Dictionnaire de lutte contre les discours de haine a évidemment été nourri par ces échanges d’une rare richesse. Merci à Damien et à Franck. Nous ne vous oublierons jamais.


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