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Our visit to the « Comptoirs de L’Inde »

Our visit to the « Comptoirs de L’Inde »

Les Comptoirs de l’Inde” is an organisation established in November 1997. It is a Cultural and Documentation Centre about India, located in the 20th district of Paris, which contains more than 3000 books, documents, postcards, photos, stamps and family archives. This organisation presents the French history in India, more precisely the history and culture of the former Comptoirs, without forgetting the richness of Indian regional cultures: Tamil, Telugu, Bengali and Malayalam.  “Les Comptoirs de l’Inde” implements various actions to highlight the cultural influence of India and the former French comptoirs of history and memory. Towards the end of 2023, as part of the nation-wide event Les Enfants du Patrimoine, my class and I visited this organisation.

Exploring India’s history and the impact of French colonialism was a rich and enlightening experience for us all, offering valuable insights of India’s colonial aspects and their enduring effects on Indian society. One particularly illuminating aspect of our visit was the opportunity to hear from guest speaker Douglas, who shared his first hand experiences as an Indian soldier serving under French rule. Douglas’s accounts provided a unique and personal perspective on the challenges and struggles faced by Indian individuals within the context of colonial domination. Through Douglas’s narrative, we gained a deeper understanding of the social, cultural, and political challenges by colonialism. His stories offered a nuanced perspective on the various impacts of the French colonialism. Furthermore, one of our classmates  discovered that Douglas as an Indian soldier, had served alongside her grandfather in the army. He also knew her grandmother as they came from the same village.

As well as exploring the historical aspects of colonialism, our discussion also involved the caste system in Indian society. Learning about the role of castes educated us on the social hierarchy and culture that have shaped India’s identity and community until today. We also talked and thought about caste discrimination and social inequalities, that are still present today. The vivid descriptions of India’s landscapes, cities, and cultural traditions evoked a sense of nostalgia for me and some other Indian students but most importantly this educative experience created  a sense of inspiration and curiosity for others. Overall, this exploration of India’s history and colonial imprint provided a rich learning experience and greater connection to the precious tapestry of India’s cultural heritage.


Surya, élève en Te8 Section Internationale anglais britannique


Phase d’admission de Parcoursup

Phase d’admission de Parcoursup  

Pour aider les candidats dans cette étape, de nombreuses ressources sont mises à disposition des candidats comme un site d’entrainement accessible depuis le site permettant de se mettre en situation de répondre aux formations a été mis à disposition des équipes éducatives, des lycéens et de leur famille. 

Ce site permet de s’entrainer de manière concrète : accepter ou refuser une proposition d’admission, conserver des vœux en attente, comprendre les indicateurs pour estimer les possibilités d’être admis… Le site liste les « règles d’or » pour tout savoir sur cette phase d’admission et propose aux lycéens de tester leurs connaissances grâce à une série de quiz.

SI GB Students become Europorters

SI GB Students become Europorters

Students in the British English International Section took on the rôle of journalists this term to take part in the Europorters competition.

Before beginning their journalistic investigations, the students took part in a role-playing simulation game on decision making in the EU, based on the Chocolate Directive. We visited the Europa Experience in the heart of Paris to learn more about how the EU operates and how citizens can participate.

The students collaborated with the school librarian to look at how journalists find an angle and how to find different sources before deciding on a story to pursue.

The subjects chosen range from sport and language mobility in Europe, the brain drain experienced by some EU countries and pesticide use. Most students chose to use their audiovisual skills to make audio or video reports and one group preferred to write an article.

You can view their journalism here.

Europorters AI

Pesticides Europorters

Erasmus Brexit Europorters

Erasmus+ Sport Europorters

Brain Drain Europorters

To be or not to bee

The impact of bees on our world is invaluable. Thanks to pollination, they have broadened the scope of different flowers and they have developed the most complex societies to facilitate their exploitation of the environment. Indeed, the declining of bee population is an important issue because it could have terrible consequences. To reverse the decline of bee population, the European Union has passed laws and set programs to protect bees.

The EU’s Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 aims to reverse the decline in both the numbers and diversity of bees and other pollinators, forming part of a broader set of commitments and targets aimed at restoring nature within the EU. To meed this aim the EU Biodiversity Platform was established, where working group is dedicated to bees. Additionally, various initiatives under the European Green Deal contribute to addressing the threats facing pollinators.

The initiative has three main objectives: improving knowledge of pollinator decline, improving pollinator conservation and tackling the causes of their decline, mobilising society and promoting strategic cooperation at all levels.

Scientists are already working on the causes of pollinator decline. Findings show that is is due mainly to the reduction of feeding sites and depletion of food resources, climate change and pesticide use. Despite the laws regarding their use in Europe and limiting its use, the beekeeper, Bruno Petit, interviewed at his honey market stall in a train station near Paris, explained that since the laws had been passed, nothing had changed. He was unaware of the laws and he felt that it was the case for many fellow beekeepers.

The program put in place by the European Union is essential, but the actions needed to reverse the damage to bee populations must accelerate. Communication to reverse the decline of bees and other pollinating insects has to reach farmers, beekeepers and gardeners who can act on conservation. Beehave, beelieve and beecome an actor for the future!

Karen McCourt

Parcoursup – Etape 2

Calendrier Parcoursup

Nous sommes actuellement dans l’étape 2 de Parcoursup


La DNL au lycée Lucie Aubrac

Section européenne Espagnol en STMG

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Journée Portes Ouvertes 2024

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